The Invisibles against US missile defense
Radar opponents to appeal to MEPs

Prague, Feb 11 (CTK) - Some 120 Czech opponents to the stationing of a U.S. missile defence radar in the Czech Republic from the League of Mayors against Radar and Non-Violence civic associations will present their view at a public hearing in Brussels on February 18, organiser Jan Tamas said Wednesday.
Tamas told journalists that their visit to members of the European Parliament had been supported by Czech governors.
"There is very small awareness of the project in the European Parliament," Tamas said, adding that MEPs were interested in learning more about the problem.
He said that the MEPs whom the Czech opponents to the radar had met so far were shocked by the progress in the negotiations with the USA and by the extent of disagreement with the construction among Czech citizens.
According to public opinion polls, about two-thirds of Czechs reject the U.S. radar base in the Czech Republic.
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