The Invisibles against US missile defense
Message of Prof. Leoluca Orlando, Italian MP and ex-Mayor of Palermo

“During the second period of activity as the Mayor of Palermo (1997-2000) I had the immense pleasure to receive and open the Foundational Conference of the Centre of Cultures of the Mediterranean at the Palace of the Eagles. It was on that occasion that I met Giorgio Schultze, Loredana Cici, Salvatore Puledda and many other young humanists, promoters of that extraordinary vision: Palermo, multi-ethnic city, cultural capital of the Mediterranean.
A vision in perfect harmony with that “Palermo Spring” and the “Sicilian Renaissance”, that in those years had defied the Mafia, institutional corruption and illegality transformed into power.
Today this new call, by humanists, and the friends of World without Wars, to support the first “World March for Peace and Nonviolence”, not only finds me in full and formal support, but above all my personal and concrete commitment to collaborate for its realisation, commencing with the participation in the Forum for Peace and Disarmament in the Mediterranean that will take place precisely in Palermo on the 3rd and 4th of April.
Desmond Tutu shows that the need for peace and nonviolence is an urgency; a need of humanity in its entirety.
From here comes my commitment and that of the Institute of Sicilian Renaissance, to build and strengthen this local and international “network” so that the universal principle – as simple to say, as to deny – “treat others as you would like to be treated”, may finally triumph.
Palermo, 1st of February 2009.
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