The Invisibles against US missile defense
Pax Christi supports Jan Tamas and czech mayors

Christian Global Network Pax Christi supports the Czech nonviolent leader Jan Tamas and the Czech Mayors against the US radar base on their trip to Brussels.
Tamas will meet on Wednesday, February 18th 2009, with members of the European Parliament and inform them that 70% of Czechs don’t want the US military base on their soil.
Pax Christi has also prepared an Advocacy Package about Missile Defence.
Pax Christi International,
a Global Faith-based Network for Peace.
Missile Defence System,
The Case of a Radar Base in The Czech Republic
For two years now, Pax Christi International has been supporting non-governmental organisations in the Czech Republic in their non-violent yet persistent struggle against the installation of a US radar base in their country.
When we were informed about the proposed visit of Czech mayors and NGO representatives to the European Parliament in Brussels, we decided to shift our involvement from moral support to that of active advocacy.
In order to provide our member organisations with a practical tool for active advocacy, we have created this Pax Christi International Advocacy Package on the Missile Defence System, the Case of a Radar Base in the Czech Republic.
This package consists of seven parts. After this introduction and table of contents, a short overview about the history of this issue traces the development of the Missile Defence System from the Cold War era till date.
Parts two and three focus on the situation in the Czech Republic, stressing the contrast between the attitude of the Czech government on one hand, and strong opposition from Czech NGOs on the other.
A detailed explanation regarding the reasons Pax Christi International is involved in this issue can be found in part four.
Part five provides plenty of concrete tips for your advocacy work, from the Day of action on the 18th of February 2009 in Brussels to lobbying of the Members of the Czech Parliament. In part six you will find sample letters to be used as templates for your advocacy work.
And finally, a list of addresses to which advocacy letters should be sent can be found in part seven.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact the International Secretariat.
Pax Christi - The Catholic Peace Voice
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