The Invisibles against US missile defense
Solidarity from American association in Munich

Munich, Feb. 10, 2009
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
We members of the Munich American Peace Committee, a peace group which was founded in 1983, would like to express our solidarity with your cause.
We sincerely hope that your meeting in Brussels will be fruitful and will get a lot of publicity, so that more people realize that the Czech citizens are strongly opposed to the building of an American Radar site on Czech ground.
With luck, your hearing on Feb. 18th will be publicized in the US too, so that Americans will know what actions are taking place.
As you know, there is a lot more behind this plan than just "protection" against enemy attacks. The US is very eager to gain hegemony in space just as on earth.
We honestly hope that the atmosphere among our fellow countrymen ís changing now that we have a new president, but no one can be sure.
We suggest that you send information to the British paper the Guardian and to the New York Times about your event.
You probably know that MP Tobias Pflüger from the Fraktion: Mitglied der Konföderalen Fraktion der Vereinten Europäischen Linken/Nordische Grüne has an open ear for all peace causes.
We will be following the progress of your meeting and hope you will inform us as to the results.
Best wishes for success in your undertaking,
Marie Voss
Munich American Peace Committee
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