The Invisibles against US missile defense
Brussels, February 18, 2009: 40 Mayors and Activists against radar

For a world without wars or violence. So that the arms race be replaced with investments for true human development.
The U.S. and Czech governments have agreed to place the military radar base of the US National Missile Defense (NMD) system on Czech territory. Despite the fact that it is called a "Space Shield", this is not a defense weapon but an attack one, and it represents a real danger for all: this plan in fact is already increasing tensions between the USA, Russia and the European Union and is leading to a new expansion of the arms race and establishing another "cold war" atmosphere. This issue involves not only the Czech Republic and Poland (where a base for interceptor missiles would be installed) but the whole of Europe, because it will influence the security of the entire continent. We are concerned that due to this advanced system Europe will become the main battlefield in a potential international conflict.
It is not by pure chance that European politicians who usually support militaristic policies have declared their opposition to the Space Shield.
Two thirds of Czech citizens do not agree with the arrangement. Despite their opposition, the Czech government has signed agreements with the United States that are due to be ratified shortly by the Parliament. Unfortunately our Constitution does not offer the mechanism of a referendum, but in the dozens of self-conducted consultations we have organized in the villages and towns of the area where the radar base would be installed, more than 95% of the population on average voted against this project. We have also organized demonstrations, international conferences and a hunger strike that involved activists (not only Czech, but from all over the world) and Czech personalities in the academic, sports, artistic, trade-union and political fields, united in their request to suspend this dangerous project.
Since January 1, 2009 the Czech Republic holds the presidency of the European Union for 6 months; for this reason the protest will be taken inside the European Parliament that has so far not taken a stand on this fundamental issue.
On February 18th a delegation from the League of Mayors Against the Radar, the Nonviolent movement against bases, Europe for Peace and World Without Wars will travel to Brussels and hand EU Parliament members the thousands of endorsements and protest letters from personalities and citizens. The initiative is supported by the 2020 Vision Campaign and Pax Christi.
A demonstration will take place, at the same time, in front of the Parliament building. Protests are scheduled in the main European cities.
Jan Neoral, spokesperson League of Mayors Against the Radar
Jan Tamás, spokesperson Nonviolent Movement in Czech
Dana Feminová, Czech Europe for Peace Spokesperson
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