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The Invisibles against US missile defense

Czech mayors launch campaign against U.S. base in their region


Rozmital pod Tremsinem - The Mayors League Against Radar and the Nonviolence movement today launched a six-month campaign against the planned construction of a U.S. radar base in the Brdy military grounds situated near Rozmital.

A public hearing in the European Parliament and a protest outside the EP seat in Brussels will be held within the campaign on February 18.

"Our goal is to try to provoke a discussion on the issue in the European Parliament and other European institutions," Jan Tamas, from Nonviolence, said.

Tamas said the EU should adopt a clear stance on the U.S. radar.

The campaign emphasises that while the Czech government promotes the U.S. base, most Czechs are against the plan.

"We consider this a democratic deficit and we want to point to it during the Czech EU presidency," Tamas said.

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