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Na činnost hnutí Nenásilí navazuje mezinárodní humanistická organizace Svět bez válek a násilí.
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The Invisibles against US missile defense

NYC - The Movement for Peace in Colombia endorses the World March for Peace

23.12.2008 - Movement for Peace in Colombia

The Movement for Peace in Colombia joined other peace organizations in NYC in support of the upcoming world march for peace and non-violence.

Members and supporters of the MPIC and many other peace advocate groups walked from the 5 boroughs and met in front of City Hall in NYC, on December 7, 2008.

The marchers endured the very cold weather for long hours demanding peace.

The march on December 7th and the demonstration and press conference in front or City Hall, were not heavily attended.

However, joining efforts, hundreds will become millions on October 2nd, 2009 and January 2nd 2010.

This is the first world march for the end of war and nuclear arms and the elimination of the violence of all kinds.

More information visit:


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