The Invisibles against US missile defense
Report: CIA Killed 20 Polish AF Officers who Opposed Antimissile Shield in Poland

By Marek Glogoczowski in Pomerania, Poland
Nov 28, 2008, 07:48
It is evident that the anti-Russian propaganda in Poland reaches new heights.
After the publicity campaign for the film “Katyn” (in the media I find a short information that all soldiers of Polish Army were compelled to see his film, as the part of their “cultural training”), the construction of the American “antimissile shield” become once again the propaganda tool, serving to stir both anti-Russian and anti-European emotions among common people.
Only two weeks ago the newly elected in last September, Polish government was declaring officially its hardly concealed hostility towards this “shield” as the USA-owned, dangerous for Polish citizenry, military installation on Polish territory.
And than suddenly, on the February 1st, Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radek Sikorski (a member of the American Enterprise Institute, by the way) suddenly changed his mind and inclined, during his visit in Washington, to all pressures exercised by White House. This American “master of Eastern Europe” is wishing to establish in Poland not only the (anti)missile base, but also several subsequent, US Army owned, military bases.
This supposedly in order to protect Poland from Russian hegemonistic drive.
What happened, which changed the mind of Polish government so rapidly? On January 23rd a big military cargo plane, which was bought only two years earlier from the Spanish CASA producer, crushed in northern Poland, killing in this accident 20 high officers of Polish Air Force, including the chief of the personnel assuring the security of Polish airspace, general Andrzejewski.
The origin of this crush still remains a mystery, supposedly pilots made a too narrow u-turn during the second attempt of landing in relatively good weather conditions.
This, seriously wounding Polish military staff accident, professor Ivo Cyprian Pogonowski, an 85 years old, internationally known historian, living since decades in USA, commented in a following way, quoting information he found in a book of John Perkins “Confessions of Economic hit-Man”:“Every one politician (trying to liberate his country from “pincers of freedom” imposed by US Department of State) was told: “If you will be docile, you will be rich, but in case of disobedience you will finish like Allende in Chile, Arbenz in Guatemala or Lumumba in Congo”.
The presidents of two countries, men whom I respected and thought of as kindred spirits - Jaime Roldós, president of Ecuador, and Omar Torrijos, president of Panama - both had just died in fiery crashes. Their deaths were not accidental. They were assassinated because they opposed that fraternity of corporate, government, and banking heads whose goal is global empire. We Economic Hit Men failed to bring Roldós and Torrijos around, and the other type of hit men, the CIA-sanctioned jackals who were always right behind us, stepped in.”
End of Perkins’ quote.
It is of interest to know whether the recent death, in Poznan Voievodie, of Polish generals, commanders of air forces, was a similar one, for they were not giving the permission for the construction of “shield” in Poland, and they did not want to endanger their country with the possibility of Russian nuclear counter-strikes.
”Pogonowski indeed turned to be a prophet bringing bad news: only a week after the crash of CASA cargo aircraft, Polish government has changed its mind concerning the installation of the (surely nuclear) “shield”, Its installation is planned at the abandoned military airport of Redzikowice, which is situated only 2 km from Pomeranian Academy of Pedagogy, where I teach, and only 4 km from the center of city of Slupsk, with its 100 thousand of citizens.
Of interests are two “small” facts:
1/ The CASA cargo plane crushed only 20 minutes after an inter-landing at Krzesiny military airport near Poznan, where at present a US military air base is located.
2/ The article titled “Global Corruption”, in which Pogonowski enounced such an “interesting” explication of the recent CASA catastrophe in Poland, has disappeared from Pogonowski”s website
It happened that I copied earlier the passage translated into English above, so I repeat Pogonowski”s “miraculously missing” prophecy in its Polish original:Ciekawe, czy niedawna śmierć w Poznańskim polskich generałów dowódców lotnictwa, była analogiczna, ponieważ nie zgadzali się na budowę “Tarczy” w Polsce i nie chcieli narażać ojczyzny na rosyjskie bomby nuklearne. “ With greetings from Pomerania, I ask to dispatch this message to the wide circle of readers of your website.
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