The Invisibles against US missile defense
Czech opponents of U.S. radar plan ask Obama to scrap it
23.11.2008 -

PRAGUE, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- The movement Non-Violence along with the Mayors' League against the Radar Friday sent a letter to U.S. President-elect Barack Obama, asking him to reconsider the planned stationing of the U.S. radar on Czech soil.
The Non-Violence along with the Mayors' League against the Radar want to launch a campaign against the radar base during the forthcoming Czech EU presidency and ask the European Parliament to deal with the issue.
"We will conduct a strong campaign on the European level against the plan," Non-Violence spokesman Jan Tamas told reporters Friday.
Perhaps 40 mayors from the area around the planned radar base want to appear in the European Parliament at the invitation of Italian MEP Giulietto Chiesa on February 24, 2009.
"We want the EU to adopt a clear stand, to start a discussion on the issue," Tamas said.
The letter has been signed by 29 mayors from the area in question. It was sent to 700 Czech and foreign papers.
The radar base is to be installed in the Brdy military district, some 90 kilometers southwest of Prague. Along with a silo with interceptor missiles in Poland, it is to form the U.S. anti-missile shield in Central Europe that is to protect the U.S. and a large part of Europe against hostile missiles that states such as Iran may launch.
Prague and Washington signed the two radar treaties this summer. The treaties are yet to be discussed by Czech parliament where they are not sure of the necessary majority of votes.
The radar opponents believe that Obama could drop the plan to install elements of the U.S. missile shield in Europe.
The Non-Violence along with the Mayors' League against the Radar want to launch a campaign against the radar base during the forthcoming Czech EU presidency and ask the European Parliament to deal with the issue.
"We will conduct a strong campaign on the European level against the plan," Non-Violence spokesman Jan Tamas told reporters Friday.
Perhaps 40 mayors from the area around the planned radar base want to appear in the European Parliament at the invitation of Italian MEP Giulietto Chiesa on February 24, 2009.
"We want the EU to adopt a clear stand, to start a discussion on the issue," Tamas said.
The letter has been signed by 29 mayors from the area in question. It was sent to 700 Czech and foreign papers.
The radar base is to be installed in the Brdy military district, some 90 kilometers southwest of Prague. Along with a silo with interceptor missiles in Poland, it is to form the U.S. anti-missile shield in Central Europe that is to protect the U.S. and a large part of Europe against hostile missiles that states such as Iran may launch.
Prague and Washington signed the two radar treaties this summer. The treaties are yet to be discussed by Czech parliament where they are not sure of the necessary majority of votes.
The radar opponents believe that Obama could drop the plan to install elements of the U.S. missile shield in Europe.
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