The Invisibles against US missile defense
Giulietto Chiesa´s biography

Giulietto Chiesa was born in Acqui Terme (Italy) on 4 september 1940.
Actually member of European Parliament, journalist since 1979, correspondent from Moskow between 1980 and 2000 (for dailies l'Unità and La Stampa).
Giulietto Chiesa worked for main tv news (tg1, tg3, tg5) and cooperates with Radio Svizzera International, russian BBC, Radio Vaticana, etc.
In 1980-1990 he is fellow of Wilson Center, Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, in Washington.
Cooperates for several Italian, Russian and other European newspapers, magazines, tv and radio broadcasters, as Il Manifesto, Avvenimenti, Galatea, etc.
Essayst, he's author of several books, namely on international matters (on Russia, globalisation, media issues, wars in Middle East). He wrote "L'Urss che cambia" and "La rivoluzione di Gorbaciov" with Roy Medvedev in 1988/1989. In the same years, wrote "Transizione alla democrazia" with Douglas Northrop, later he dedicated his books to study the problem of globalization in modern civil society. Many of them have been translated into several languages.
Among his last books: "Le carceri segrete della CIA in Europa"(Piemme, 2007), "Cronache Marziane" (Fazi editore, 2005) “Superclan” (Feltrinelli, 2003), “The Infinite War” (Feltrinelli, 2002), “Afghanistan” (Guerini, 2001). In 2002 he received the Prize Culture of Peace.
He's member of WPF (World Political Forum) and President of Megachip, a national association for a democratic control on media.
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