The Invisibles against US missile defense
The joy of feeling the future

Chris Wells, North Spokesperson for New Humanism, speaks fron NYC about the election of new president of US.
"The feeling is very special - like something great we have waited for a long time is finally happening. Last night we went to Harlem to watch the results on a huge screen in the street with thousands of people. The joy and the feeling of connection among the people was palpable. After it was announced that Obama had won at around 11 pm, people began to pour into the streets and make spontaneous parties, something I have never seen. I saw that people all over the world were watching - and in Kenya they have declared a national holiday!
"The feeling is very special - like something great we have waited for a long time is finally happening. Last night we went to Harlem to watch the results on a huge screen in the street with thousands of people. The joy and the feeling of connection among the people was palpable. After it was announced that Obama had won at around 11 pm, people began to pour into the streets and make spontaneous parties, something I have never seen. I saw that people all over the world were watching - and in Kenya they have declared a national holiday!
Obama himself is remarkable - but for me what is so moving is what is happening in and among people - the pride of the African Americans (like the struggles for hundreds of years have arrived to something good) - the joy of feeling the future open and the sense that the best in people (their hopes, their sense of justice and truth, their compassion, their desire to connect with others - all of this) has been released after being in hiding for so many years.
And with all of this - there seems to be an understanding that now we need to roll up our sleeves and get to work. For sure, it won't be easy, but there is a new kind of energy moving and things seem possible.
I think we need to connect the March with this - to converge with this spirit - and next year maybe we will have people dancing in the streets for Peace and Non-Violence!"
a big hug
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