The Invisibles against US missile defense
Letter from Western States Legal Foundation

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Dear Jan Tamáš, Jan Bednár, Federica Fratini, and Dino Mancarella,
Western States Legal Foundation is a U.S. NGO, grounded in commitments to nonviolence and international law and dedicated to peace and justice in a nuclear free world.
I write to express our strong support and solidarity for your courageous hunger strike against the U.S. so-called “missile defense” system, and for the principles and practice of nonviolence.
Your vital message is being heard around the world!
In the name of “national security,” the U.S. government is planning to install a radar base in the Czech Republic, despite the opposition of the overwhelming majority of the Czech people.
Although it is presented as a means of defense against possible attacks from non-existent Iranian missiles, “missile defense” is in fact, part of an offensive system, fully integrated with nuclear and conventional offensive strike capabilities.
It is a tool for global dominance which represents the first step towards U.S. weaponization and control of space. And it is seen by the Czech Republic’s neighbor and former Cold War ally, Russia, as a threat and a provocation, which is spurring Russia to engage in a new arms race with the United States.
As NGOs and members of civil society our common concerns cut across national boundaries, as well as cultural, ethnic, and religious divides. We are far more interested in our collective human security than in any state’s national security.
We must support each other in working for our collective peace and security, using creative and nonviolent means.
We applaud your principled stand but we worry about your health! Please do not consider making the “ultimate” sacrifice. We need you to work with us for many years to come!!
Respectfully yours,
Jacqueline Cabasso
Executive Director
Western States Legal Foundation
655 – 13th Street, Suite 201
Oakland, CA 94612 USA
Tel. +(510) 839-5877
Fax: +(510) 839-5397
Dear Jan Tamáš, Jan Bednár, Federica Fratini, and Dino Mancarella,
Western States Legal Foundation is a U.S. NGO, grounded in commitments to nonviolence and international law and dedicated to peace and justice in a nuclear free world.
I write to express our strong support and solidarity for your courageous hunger strike against the U.S. so-called “missile defense” system, and for the principles and practice of nonviolence.
Your vital message is being heard around the world!
In the name of “national security,” the U.S. government is planning to install a radar base in the Czech Republic, despite the opposition of the overwhelming majority of the Czech people.
Although it is presented as a means of defense against possible attacks from non-existent Iranian missiles, “missile defense” is in fact, part of an offensive system, fully integrated with nuclear and conventional offensive strike capabilities.
It is a tool for global dominance which represents the first step towards U.S. weaponization and control of space. And it is seen by the Czech Republic’s neighbor and former Cold War ally, Russia, as a threat and a provocation, which is spurring Russia to engage in a new arms race with the United States.
As NGOs and members of civil society our common concerns cut across national boundaries, as well as cultural, ethnic, and religious divides. We are far more interested in our collective human security than in any state’s national security.
We must support each other in working for our collective peace and security, using creative and nonviolent means.
We applaud your principled stand but we worry about your health! Please do not consider making the “ultimate” sacrifice. We need you to work with us for many years to come!!
Respectfully yours,
Jacqueline Cabasso
Executive Director
Western States Legal Foundation
655 – 13th Street, Suite 201
Oakland, CA 94612 USA
Tel. +(510) 839-5877
Fax: +(510) 839-5397
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