The Invisibles against US missile defense
Ottavia Piccolo will recite a piece taken from the play “Land of milk and honey”

Octavia Piccolo – very famous italian actress during the conference “Beyond Justice, Beyond revenge” will recite a piece taken from the play “Land of milk and honey”. Directed by Silano Piccardi, taken from the book “Life in the Land of Milk and Honey” by Manuela Dviri.
What happens in the heart and in the mind of a woman that lives in Tel Aviv, in Jerusalem, in Bethlehem or in Gaza? With the sincerity and the immediacy that the readers of her reports know well, Manuela Dviri tells us her story: the choice of leaving Italy and moving to Israel and maybe an even more daring choice, to stay there; the pain of the loss of her young son, a soldier in the Israeli army, a useless loss, that had no political or military justification; the pacifist battle and the consequent accusations of betrayal and opportunism.
A strong and moving testimony, that tells one of the most tragic conflicts of our times; going through the heartfelt reasons and the pacifism that, at the end, seem to be the only things to show us the right direction, taking us far from war, from inequity, from pain.
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