The Invisibles against US missile defense
US removes nuclear weapons from main German base

Documents indicate that the U.S. Air Force has removed its main base at Ramstein in Germany from a list of installations that receive periodic nuclear weapons inspections, indicating that nuclear weapons previously stored at the base may have been removed and withdrawn to the United States.
Only a single base in Germany (Büchel Air base) now stores nuclear weapons, a dramatic reduction compared with the 1980s when more than 2,000 nuclear weapons were stored at dozens of facilities across the country. As a result, Germany is now on par with Belgium and the Netherlands, two other NATO countries that each hosts approximately 20 US bombs for delivery by their national aircraft.
The apparent withdrawal reduces the number of U.S. nuclear weapons deployed in Europe to an estimated 350 B61 bombs, or roughly equivalent to the size of the entire French nuclear weapons inventory. The remaining bombs are stored at seven bases in six NATO countries.
The Humanist Party UK
Strategic Security Blog
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