The Invisibles against US missile defense
World March for Peace and Nonviolence

The first World March to circle the earth calling for the end of war and nuclear arms, and the elimination of violence of all kinds, is already being organised and will take place in 2009.
A permanent team of 50 persons will travel in 90 days around the world and in every place mass events will be held.
National and regional Peace Tours and Marches will meet the permanent team, joining as side-streams into the great worldwide river of peace.
The aim is to develop a global conscience that universally condemns violence. To create global awareness - as has already happened with environmental issues - of the urgent need to condemn of all forms of violence and bring about real Peace.
This is an invitation to anyone and everyone to participate freely. So that wherever the March goes, the local people can contribute their creativity in a great convergence of multiple activities.
Hundreds of initiatives are already in motion all over the world.
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