The Invisibles against US missile defense
"Independence FROM America" in UK - CAAB

Dear Sylvia
Thank you so much for letting us know about the demonstration happening outside the US Embassy in London. I am unaware of your organisation so please send some details and we must keep in touch.
I won't be able to come as we are having the annual 'Independence FROM America' demonstration at the American base at Menwith Hill - CAAB has organised this demo since 1992 - but there has been a demonstration there on 4 July calling for IFA since the early 80s - high time we were! Some details below..but programme details and the Declaration of Independence FROM America are attached - which we got together from the original - we wanted to keep to the orginal wording as much as possible - just adapted! Do use it and tailor it to what you are doing - we just ask you to acknowledge CAAB
There is also a demonstration at the Deep Space Tracking Facility and Near Space Center at Feltwell (near USAF Lakenheath and Mildenhall) calling for Independence FROM America. We have sent a message of support to them as we do when we hear of other demonstrations calling for Independence FROM America on 4 July.
We would like to send the following message to all gathered at the US Embassy - below flyer - we would really like to know how it went so please send us details and any photos. We will have some photos and put them on the website with a report.
The Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) send greetings and solidarity with you all as you gather outside the US Embassy in London - an appropriate place to be calling for 'Independence FROM America'!
We will be at the American base at Menwith Hill to once again call for 'Independence FROM America'. This demonstration has happened each year since the early 80s and frankly it's high time they went! Alan Bennett who came to the demonstration on 4 July last year made us smile when he said that he had had an invitation from the American Ambassador to the Amiercan Embassy for their celebrations on 4 July. He declined the invitation and said to us that he had decided to come to Menwith Hill instead. He said that he did not give an explanation as to where he would be and why he could not accept the kind invitation! Alan Bennett ended his speech by saying: "In 1776 the Americans gave us notice to quit. I think it is about time we returned the compliment."
We will continue to call for Independence FROM American while these bases are here and while the UK government continues to doggedly follow each command of the US government. regardless of any credible democratic process. A true friend is creatively critical when needs be.
We will be reading the Declaration of Independence FROM America which we have read publicly over many years at the American occupied and controlled base at Menwith Hill. It has been written by CAAB in the spirit and wording of the orginal.
We are with you in spirit.
In peace
And on behalf of the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases
Lindis Percy and Laila Packer
Coordinators of CAAB
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