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Na činnost hnutí Nenásilí navazuje mezinárodní humanistická organizace Svět bez válek a násilí.
Aktuální zprávy najdete na:

The Invisibles against US missile defense

The answer of US consul in Miland to Europe for Peace speaker Anna Polo

Dear Ms Polo,

Thank you for your message expressing your opinion of the policies of the United States.

We are pleased to see that you feel free to express your opinions to us, and take your message seriously.

The United States Mission in Italy wishes you a very Happy Independence Day.

David Bustamante 

David A. Bustamante

Consul for Public Affairs
U.S. Consulate General
Milan, Italy
Tel:  (39)(02) 2903-5403
Fax: (39)(02) 2903-5425

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