The Invisibles against US missile defense
Great success in meetings with Members of the European Parliament in Brussels
Giorgio Schultze suspends his hunger strike.
A delegation of representatives of the campaign “No to the Space Shield” went to Brussels on the occasion of the Citizen’s Agora dedicated to the climate changes and met several MEPs (members of the European Parliament.
The delegation was formed by Giorgio Schultze, Jan Tamáš and representatives of Belgium, Italy, France, the United Kingdom and Spain. On Thursday June 12th, during the plenary session of the Citizen’s Agora, Giorgio Schultze was among the first to speak and denounced the crazy arms race, that is taking away resources from the much needed commitments to save the environment.
Between the June 11th and 12th , there were several meetings with MEPs, among which Giulietto Chiesa and Roberto Musacchio, who on July 9th will organize in Strasbourg a meeting with all MEP’s opposed to the Space Shield project. Giorgio Schultze and Jan Tamáš will participate in this meeting, presenting the campaign and the signatures gathered by the on-line petition. The text of the petition will be sent to all MEP’s, with the request to sign it.
The objective of the meeting in Strasbourg is to produce a common declaration, with a clear statement against the space shield. A press-conference will follow, with the participation of Giorgio Schultze and Jan Tamáš. Besides this, a delegation headed by Luisa Morgantini, vice-president of the EP, will be formed there and will participate on July 17th in an international conference in Prague.
The need for a clear and firm statement of the EP arises also from the fact that in the same days Condoleezza Rice will be in Prague to sign the agreement with the Czech government.
As a consequence of the great results obtained in Brussels, on June 13th Giorgio Schultze decided to suspend the hunger strike.
MEPs met in Brusells: Giulietto Chiesa (Socialist Group, Italy), Giusto Catania, Umberto Guidoni, Roberto Musacchio (European Left Group, Italy), Luisa Morgantini (Vice-President of the EP), Monica Frassoni (Greens Italy), Bart Staes (Greens Belgium), Gyula Hegyi (Socialist Group, Hungary), Juri Mastalka (European Left Group, Czech Republic), Heide Ruhle (Greens Germany) Gerard Onesta and Alain Lipietz (Greens France).

A delegation of representatives of the campaign “No to the Space Shield” went to Brussels on the occasion of the Citizen’s Agora dedicated to the climate changes and met several MEPs (members of the European Parliament.
The delegation was formed by Giorgio Schultze, Jan Tamáš and representatives of Belgium, Italy, France, the United Kingdom and Spain. On Thursday June 12th, during the plenary session of the Citizen’s Agora, Giorgio Schultze was among the first to speak and denounced the crazy arms race, that is taking away resources from the much needed commitments to save the environment.
Between the June 11th and 12th , there were several meetings with MEPs, among which Giulietto Chiesa and Roberto Musacchio, who on July 9th will organize in Strasbourg a meeting with all MEP’s opposed to the Space Shield project. Giorgio Schultze and Jan Tamáš will participate in this meeting, presenting the campaign and the signatures gathered by the on-line petition. The text of the petition will be sent to all MEP’s, with the request to sign it.
The objective of the meeting in Strasbourg is to produce a common declaration, with a clear statement against the space shield. A press-conference will follow, with the participation of Giorgio Schultze and Jan Tamáš. Besides this, a delegation headed by Luisa Morgantini, vice-president of the EP, will be formed there and will participate on July 17th in an international conference in Prague.
The need for a clear and firm statement of the EP arises also from the fact that in the same days Condoleezza Rice will be in Prague to sign the agreement with the Czech government.
As a consequence of the great results obtained in Brussels, on June 13th Giorgio Schultze decided to suspend the hunger strike.
MEPs met in Brusells: Giulietto Chiesa (Socialist Group, Italy), Giusto Catania, Umberto Guidoni, Roberto Musacchio (European Left Group, Italy), Luisa Morgantini (Vice-President of the EP), Monica Frassoni (Greens Italy), Bart Staes (Greens Belgium), Gyula Hegyi (Socialist Group, Hungary), Juri Mastalka (European Left Group, Czech Republic), Heide Ruhle (Greens Germany) Gerard Onesta and Alain Lipietz (Greens France).

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