The Invisibles against US missile defense
Declaration by Giulietto Chiesa, European Parliament member

I consider the decision of installing a new missile system in Europe one of the most tragic manifestations of total irresponsibility of which European governing classes are giving daily examples.
The United States continue in their action of dividing and weakening Europe, keeping it submitted.
This is known, or it should be. Those who affirm they don't know, are either incompetent or liars. Those missiles, like anyone can understand, are not at all for Europe's defense against inexistent missiles, but they are made to provoke a Russian response, placing it against Europe.
Each action carried out to hinder such a senseless situation, should be supported.
That is why I applaud Jan Tamas' and Jan Bednar's initiative and I am with the majority of citizens, Czech brothers and sisters, but also European ones, who are against the installation of the radar on their territory.
It is also a defense of democracy and a contribution to our common rescue. We must thank them for this.
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