The Invisibles against US missile defense
Hunger strikers supported by vice-chairman of Czech Parliament’s Chamber of Deputies

Press release of the Humanist Movement in the Czech Republic
Hunger strikers supported by vice-chairman of Czech Parliament’s Chamber of DeputiesPraha
The vice-chairman of the Czech Parliament’s Chamber of Deputies Lubomir Zaoralek and popular film director Zdenek Troska visited the hunger strikers Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar yesterday.
They came to express their support and solidarity.
Today is the ninth day of the hunger strike against the planned installation of a US military base in the Czech Republic.
The hunger strike has since the beginning attracted attention of people across Europe and the US, some of which have decided to hold solidarity protests in their cities. Protests have been taking place in Rome, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen, Budapest, Amsterdam, Malaga, New York City and other places. Full list with pictures can be found at the website, which also features online petition against the radar with nearly 90 000 signatures.
The US is seeking to install one new military base in the Czech Republic and another one in Poland, both part of the National Missile Defense system of the United States.
None of the two countries currently host US base. According to latest polls, 65% of Czechs oppose this plan. The Czech government refuses to have a national referendum on the issue.
It is rushing to a deal before the change in the US government this fall. A vote is expected in the Czech parliament to take place during the summer.
The Humanist movement is a worldwide movement of volunteers working together for a nonviolent change towards a more just world. It originated in the late 1960s in Argentina and since that time has spread across the world.
Contact information:
Bělehradská 12/98, Prague.
Open to public every day from 10am to 8pm
Jan Tamáš, tel. 00420 776 785 839, email:
Jan Bednář, tel. 00420 608 731 162, email:
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Hunger strikers supported by vice-chairman of Czech Parliament’s Chamber of DeputiesPraha
The vice-chairman of the Czech Parliament’s Chamber of Deputies Lubomir Zaoralek and popular film director Zdenek Troska visited the hunger strikers Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar yesterday.
They came to express their support and solidarity.
Today is the ninth day of the hunger strike against the planned installation of a US military base in the Czech Republic.
The hunger strike has since the beginning attracted attention of people across Europe and the US, some of which have decided to hold solidarity protests in their cities. Protests have been taking place in Rome, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen, Budapest, Amsterdam, Malaga, New York City and other places. Full list with pictures can be found at the website, which also features online petition against the radar with nearly 90 000 signatures.
The US is seeking to install one new military base in the Czech Republic and another one in Poland, both part of the National Missile Defense system of the United States.
None of the two countries currently host US base. According to latest polls, 65% of Czechs oppose this plan. The Czech government refuses to have a national referendum on the issue.
It is rushing to a deal before the change in the US government this fall. A vote is expected in the Czech parliament to take place during the summer.
The Humanist movement is a worldwide movement of volunteers working together for a nonviolent change towards a more just world. It originated in the late 1960s in Argentina and since that time has spread across the world.
Contact information:
Bělehradská 12/98, Prague.
Open to public every day from 10am to 8pm
Jan Tamáš, tel. 00420 776 785 839, email:
Jan Bednář, tel. 00420 608 731 162, email:

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