Svět bez válek a násilí

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Na činnost hnutí Nenásilí navazuje mezinárodní humanistická organizace Svět bez válek a násilí.
Aktuální zprávy najdete na:

The Invisibles against US missile defense

Adam Hochschild supports Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar


"I send the warmest possible greetings to our Czech friends who are hunger-striking.

With the Cold War officially over, we are all too accustomed to assuming that nuclear tensions between East and West are as well. They are not.

Too many countries, above all the U.S. and Russia, are still bristling with nuclear weapons, and even new installations that are supposedly for "defense" purposes increase tension and the possibilities of war without giving us any real defense.

It is the job of citizens everywhere to resist such moves. Jan Tamas and Jan Bednar have set an example for us all, and I salute them."

Hope that helps!
All the best,
Adam Hochschild


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