The Invisibles against US missile defense
From Lidia Menapace

I join my signature with pleasure to those collected so far, and make the following declaration:
"The space shield is one of the most worrying unilaterlal military and political initiatives of the aggressive path of the Bush Adminitration policy. It jeopardises and denies any form of international right, opening up a phase of wild instability and militarization of the European territory, mining the grounds of sovereingty, freedom and the right to a peaceful life in our continent.
It is necessary that governments, peoples, associations and individuals manifest their protest and impose the reasonableness of diplomatic relations and the value of international organizations like the U.N. to preserve peace and freedom. It's the fundamentals of international civil co-existence that are at stake, and the risk is approaching of a devastating war that may break out either by mistake or by incitement."
Lidia Menapace
Writer and former senator
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